After being asked ‘how many religions are there’ & several guesses made by the audience -our ever popular Brian Jones told us that there ‘only two- those that accepted the Church & those that didn’t’.
The Roman Catholic faith was the only religion practised openly until Henry 8th decided to alter things so that he could divorce Katharine of Aragon & to achieve his wish he separated himself from papist Rome & made himself Head of the Anglican church- the protestants- & got his divorce.
The time came when the non – conformists divided amongst them – selves so that today we have Congregationalists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Independents, Quakers & many more. The Methodists are even further divided.
Brian explained that the non conformists did not agree with the ‘practices & usages’ of the established church such as the Mass, & the Sacraments. Another reason for the divisions was more easily understood when the people objected to paying Tithes to the priest who ‘appeared to do very little work’.
The different subsets came about because of deep thinking, spiritual men such as Wesley, James Parnell, George Fox, Samuel Cater & many others, who had the power & gift of speech to persuade the people to follow their thinking & preaching.
These men were also travellers who would visit many places spreading the word. Consequently chapels were built for worship & the conducting of Weddings Baptisms & Funerals. There are non conformists records available & much information can be gleaned from things like a church year book.
The information Brian gave us was overwhelming but had us very interested in what is & can be a very controversial & complicated subject.
Our March meeting is a holdover from last year & has a Quiz, a talk by Pete Edwards about Crimes & Misdemeanours in the Fens, a photo display of childhood school & holidays & a buffet. You are requested to bring your photos along & a plate of finger food for the buffet.
[Barbara Holmes]
June 2024 meeting: Sue Paul – My ancestor was a pirate (or Pirates of the Caribbean – the sequel)
I’m sure we can all visualise the stereotypical pirate (peg-leg, eye-patch and parrot 😊) and probably think we don’t have any in our ancestry. However,