Maureen Nicholls described her talk as “A Few Ideas on How to Illustrate Your Family History”, even if there was very little photographic evidence to help you.
As Maureen pointed out, some people base their work on the Genealogy [the facts available] while others go for the more interesting line of Family History with photographs and stories to illustrate their work.
No photo’s !! Then illustrate the kind of life they would have led. Schools, Churches, Villages, Houses etc. Occupations, the clothes they wore, the food they ate.
What was happening in the world at the time they were living. World history year by year since 1492. [where possible providence of where information came from].
The pictures used need not be of your actual family members, but of others of the same era, to illustrate the type of dress, house, transport etc. of their times.
If you know where they lived then a picture of a Church / Chapel or other view from that town.
A School photo with pupils would show the dress at a particular age, and probably include the teacher in adult clothing of the time.
Occupation: Ag. Lab photos etc. Crofters, Frame Work Knitters, Fishermen. If you know their occupations, illustrations from different periods can be found in books, on postcards etc.
Food: Did they live by a river, the seas, in farming areas, near forests, all would give guidance as to basic foods available.
Certificates: Any available family certificates of any kind, especially unusual ones e.g. Coroners reports, all add to the interest of the Family.
Forces: Commonwealth Graves Committee, war photos; Navy; Boats names , Shipping lists, Naval lists, and photos of naval vessels.
Aeroplanes: photos of various aircraft of the same type.
Burials: Church records, war memorials, monumental inscriptions etc.
Presentations: 1. Paper presentation; Printed Book, Booklet, Folder 2. Computer; Hard drive; Back – Up; C.D. ; Memory Stick; Website. 3. Art & Craft: Cross Stitch; Scrap Books; Time – Line Poster; Quilting; Heraldic etc.
Maureen’s final words: Do It Your Way & Enjoy It.
A very interesting and entertaining talk, enjoyed by all.
After the refreshment interval, Maureen gave a quick resume of working with “Family Tree Maker”, for the benefit of those new to working with Family History software.
Using her own family records she talked us through the various ways of recording the data we might have collected, and explained why she had recorded family names in certain ways.
The main line through a family always entered in Capitals,[both names] makes searching for members much easier. While all surnames were entered in Capitals.
Even for the ‘old hands’ there were new ideas to be picked up, and I am sure I was not the only one to go home and make minor adjustments to the way information had been entered in my Family Tree.
[Judy Green]
June 2024 meeting: Sue Paul – My ancestor was a pirate (or Pirates of the Caribbean – the sequel)
I’m sure we can all visualise the stereotypical pirate (peg-leg, eye-patch and parrot 😊) and probably think we don’t have any in our ancestry. However,